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How Does Vaser Lipo 360 Work?

Unlike traditional liposuction, which focuses on removing fat cells from the front of the abdomen, Vaser lipo 360 removes fat from all around the abdomen — 360 degrees. For this reason, the procedure is often called circumferential liposuction as well.

In this article, we’ll explain how Vaser lipo 360 works, how it differs from standard liposuction, what “Vaser” technology is and its benefits, and how to know if you’d be a good candidate for this innovative procedure.

Vaser Lipo Video

What Is Vaser Lipo 360?

This is a type of liposuction that uses a specific technology and a specific strategy for removing fat. Let’s first discuss the fat removal strategy — the “360” part.

What is Lipo 360?

Unlike other types of lipo, lipo 360 takes fat from all around the abdomen. Traditionally, if a patient wanted abdominal liposuction, fat would be removed from the entire front of the trunk — from beneath the breasts down to the pubic bone — or from select areas within that zone. The procedure might add the area slightly beyond the patient’s sides (the flanks), but that would generally be the extent of the area treated.

Liposuction 360 extends this treatment area even further. So, in addition to removing fat and sculpting the patient’s contours from beneath the breasts, down to the pubic bone and around to the flanks, the entire back and sides of the patient would also be fat-reduced.

What Does Vaser Mean?

Vaser stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. This is a fancy way of saying ultrasound technology.

Vaser liposuction uses ultrasound energy to liquefy treatment area fat before it is suctioned out of the body. This provides numerous benefits — from less irritation to surrounding tissue in the treatment area to an easier recovery and better overall results.

Vaser Liposuction Procedure Before and After

Vaser Liposuction Procedure Before and After

Vaser Lipo 360 vs. Traditional Liposuction

Let’s first talk about how Vaser liposuction 360 is different from standard targeted liposuction in respect to the 360 degree circumferential treatment zone.

If, for example, you were to go to a cosmetc surgeon and say you wanted just a little bit of liposuction because of some extra fat you’ve been carrying around on your lower abdomen, you wouldn’t need lipo 360. Small pockets of unwanted fat can be effectively treated with traditional Vaser lipo. This procedure would use Vaser technology (ultrasound energy), but you wouldn’t get results on the entire circumference of your trunk because you wouldn’t need them.

On the other hand, most patients do require circumferential liposuction because they have unwanted fat around their entire trunk. This is often the case with individuals who have upper back rolls they are uncomfortable with, excess fat on their flanks (“love handles”), as well as stubborn excess fat on the front of the abdomen.

Now, let’s move on to how Vaser liposuction is different from traditional liposuction.

The most important thing to look at here is how the fat is actually detached from the body and then suctioned out. With traditional lipo, your plastic surgeon is basically making a small incision, inserting their cannula, and using force to literally rip the fat out of your body. This sounds extreme, but it is the way that traditional lipo, which was originally developed in the 70s, operates.

When we contrast this technique with the ultrasound technique (Vaser), you will immediately see how the latter is so much easier on the body — and easier on the plastic surgeon as well, which translates into better results for you.

With Vaser, ultrasound energy is used in between the numbing and aspiration (fat withdrawal) phases. This energy permeates the treatment area and effectively loosens the fat, liquefying it to basically a smoothie consistency. This means that when the fat is aspirated, all your plastic surgeon has to do is gently move their cannula around, which, in turn, allows them to be more precise.

There are numerous benefits to this. First, it allows your surgeon to take more fat out. With a traditional liposuction procedure, there are limits on the amount of fat that can be withdrawn from the body. Vaser allows for more fat to be withdrawn.

Likewise, the entire process is far gentler. Surrounding blood vessels and tissue are not damaged as they so often are with traditional liposuction procedures. This means less bruising and bleeding, less risk for deformities, a shorter and more pleasant recovery time, and superior results overall.

Are You a Good Candidate for Vaser Lipo 360?

There are pros and cons to Vaser liposuction and HD liposuction, so it is not for everyone. You may be a good candidate for high definition liposuction if you:

Have excess fat on your front, sides, and back that you’d like to have removed.

Vaser liposuction can usually be used on any patient who is seeking to remove deposits of unwanted fat and who qualifies for this form of liposuction. However, lipo 360 — as the circumferential removal of fat from all the way around the abdomen — should only be performed on individuals who actually need fat removal for their front, sides, and back.

The procedure is more expensive because the treatment area is larger, so if you don’t need this procedure, you should simply reduce unwanted fat with targeted Vaser lipo.

Are in good overall health with no major health issues.

Patients should be in good physical health without major health issues or ongoing health treatments. It’s best if patients do not smoke at all or are able to stop several weeks before and after the procedure.

All plastic surgeons have different guidelines when it comes to maximum BMI or body mass index numbers. With that said, Vaser lipo 360 is not an appropriate treatment for individuals who areWhat Is Vaser Liposuction 360 significantly overweight or obese.

Have good skin elasticity.

The best candidates for liposuction have good skin elasticity. This usually means that younger patients make better candidates, but it does not preclude older patients from getting lipo either. Your plastic surgeon will examine your skin and how lax it is at your consultation appointment.

Note that if you have too much excess skin, a body contouring procedure, skin tightening, or a tummy tuck may be for you.


Can you do lipo 360 and Brazilian Butt Lift at the same time?

Combining complementary body contouring procedures, such as 360 Lipo (known as Lipo 360 in the United States) and a Brazilian butt lift (BBL), can lead to dramatic results.

Will I have loose skin after lipo 360?

No, liposuction does not cause sagging skin. What liposuction does is remove the volume beneath the skin by eliminating excess fatty tissue. However, if the skin does not have good elasticity, it may not retract and bounce back as desired.

360 Vaser LiposuctionCan you gain weight after lipo 360?

Patients often experience rapid weight gain following the procedure, as the body aims to recoup fat and the affected areas fill with fluid used for healing.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial to manage this weight gain and support the body’s recovery process.

Is lipo 360 a weight loss procedure?

Liposuction 360 is not a weight loss procedure. As a body contouring technique, Lipo 360 won’t significantly alter the number you see on the scale.

Schedule Your Personal Consultation

If you want to remove stubborn fat around your entire midsection and are considering liposuction, 360 Vaser liposuction could be for you. Contact our San Francisco office today to schedule a consultation appointment with double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber.


  1. https://www.healthline.com/health/cosmetic-surgery/vaser-liposuction


How Big is a Forehead Reduction Surgery Scar?

Scarring after any type of surgery depends on multiple factors, including the patient’s personal tendency to scar, the patient’s skin type, the length and depth of the incision(s), and how well the patient takes care of their incision site(s) following surgery.

Those who undergo a hairline lowering procedure and end up with a forehead reduction surgery scar typically have excellent results — their scars are well hidden within the hairline and become less and less noticeable over time. Still, we certainly understand being reluctant about having a scar in such a prominent place as the forehead.

In the following article, we’ll review what hairline lowering surgery entails, where forehead reduction incisions are located, and what you can expect in terms of healing and longterm results.

What Is Hairline Lowering Surgery?

Some individuals are unhappy with the size of their forehead because they feel it is too large. Patients may also be unhappy with the shape of their hairline. Sometimes, these issues are related to genetics. Other times, patients feel they have developed a receding hairline over time.

With hairline lowering surgery, also known as forehead reduction surgery or hairline advancement, we can reduce the size of the patient’s forehead and/or adjust the hairline shape by bringing the hairline forward or forward and down.

At the patient’s consultation appointment, we can assess their anatomy to decide the exact amount of forehead reduction that would be ideal for their appearance and to reduce the look of a large forehead. This is done very precisely as even a slight adjustment in forehead size can make a significant difference.

The surgery itself is performed by making an incision along the upper hairline and separating the tissue there so that the skin on the hair bearing scalp can be gently pulled down. Candidacy for surgery requires that the patient has adequate skin laxity. Excess skin is removed if necessary, and the incision will then be carefully closed with sutures.

Does Forehead Reduction Surgery Leave a ScarDoes Forehead Reduction Surgery Leave a Scar?

While forehead reduction surgery does leave a scar, it is typically well-hidden within the hairline. This is where the incision itself will be placed, and as the incision heals, new hair should grow through the incision, covering it almost completely. Moreover, the incision will naturally flatten and fade as time goes on.

When this surgery is performed by a board certified plastic surgeon with specific experience with forehead reduction surgery, patients have the best chance of having a well-concealed, hardly noticeable incision vs having your forehead reduction surgery done wrong. It is usually when the patient does not choose a qualified surgeon that problems with the resulting incision occur. Some patients have trouble with hair loss, lack of hair density, uneven scars, or scars that do not heal well.

Long term Results Following Forehead Reduction Surgery

Your results following forehead reduction surgery should last a lifetime. Although we cannot stop the natural effects of aging from occurring, there is little chance that the forehead skin will move in any way after surgery. Ideally, the hair follicles will not be damaged, and they will go on producing hair as well.

Some patients may find that their new forehead looks different with their facial features, resulting in the desire to undergo additional procedures on other parts of the face over time. This is completely subjective and depends on the needs and goals of the patient.

Tips for Minimizing Hairline Lowering Scar Appearance

After your forehead reduction surgery, be sure to do the following to minimize the appearance of any scarring as much as possible:

  • Stay out of the sun
  • Do not sleep on or lay on your incision during the healing process
  • Avoid touching your head right away after surgery
  • Take care when washing and styling your hair
  • Do not wear hats or headbands right after surgery
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking
  • Use silicone scar sheets if possible

FAQ: Forehead Reduction

Is forehead reduction surgery painful?

No, the forehead reduction procedure itself is not painful. After surgery, during your recovery, you may have some soreness and slight pain. However, you will receive pain medication to help keep you comfortable.

What if I have a very noticeable scar after forehead reduction surgery?

Sometimes with a hairline lowering surgery gone wrong forehead reduction surgery scar minimization is not achieved. That is, the patient feels that their scar is noticeable even through the hairline.

In this case, a skilled surgeon can often perform a forehead reduction surgery revision procedure, or if need be, the scar itself can be worked on with laser treatments or similar.Forehead Reduction Scar Healing

Will I need hair transplants after forehead reduction?

No, a hair transplant procedure is not always needed following forehead reduction. Some patients may opt to undergo hair restoration surgery to even out their hairline or fix some hair loss, but many patients undergo the forehead reduction cosmetic surgery alone and are happy with their results.

Can you get other procedures with hairline lowering surgery?

Yes, depending on your goals, you can get Botox injections, dermal fillers, rhinoplasty, a brow lift, or other surgical procedures in addition to your hairline reduction surgery. Often, your surgeon will recommend staggering these procedures so that you can ensure a comfortable and adequate recovery after each one. But combining procedures is certainly an option depending on your needs.

Schedule a Consultation for Forehead Reduction

Double board certified plastic surgeon in San Francisco Dr. David Sieber performs hairline lowering surgery at his San Francisco practice. To find out if you’re a good candidate for forehead reduction surgery, please get in touch with our office today and schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber.


  1. https://www.healthline.com/health/forehead-reduction-surgery

Top Questions to Ask at Your BBL Consultation

It’s not uncommon for patients to show up to their BBL consultation appointments with nothing prepared. And while we can still certainly work with you and try to discover the best options for your surgery, it’s better when you prepare beforehand.

Of course, before you can prepare, you’ll need to find the right BBL surgeon! We recommend starting by conducting a simple search on Google. Place your search for “BBL consultation near me “or “best BBL surgeon near me“. The algorithm will automatically find BBL surgeons close to your geographic area.

Once you have a short list of potential surgeons, take a look at their websites. Review their BBL before and after photos, look at their credentials, make sure they are board certified, and check out their patient testimonials.

Choose one or two plastic surgeons that you would like to learn more about and possibly meet with in person, and give them a call. Book consultation appointments. Some surgeons offer a free BBL consultation (and free follow up appointments after surgery) while others will charge a set fee.

Once you have your consultation booked, make sure to ask the following questions at your appointment!

BBL consultation near me

Top Questions to Ask During BBL Consultation

Are you a board certified plastic surgeon?

Any plastic surgeon you choose to work with should be certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. These surgeons will have several additional years of training and study when compared to other surgeons.

In fact, the certification ensures that your surgeon has gone through very extensive plastic surgery training and hands-on experience. Board certified surgeons must also pass a written exam and an oral exam, both of which are quite challenging.

What specific experience do you have performing BBL surgical procedures?

You’ll want to know that your surgeon performs Brazilian butt lift surgery regularly. Many plastic surgeons will list on their websites that they do BBLs, but not everyone performs them often.

You don’t want a plastic surgeon who hasn’t performed a Brazilian butt lift surgery in months or years. You want someone who regularly performs this surgery with a high success rate and greatQuestions to ask during BBL consultation patient satisfaction.

Am I a good candidate for a BBL procedure?

Not everyone is a good candidate for BBL surgery. First, you must be in good physical health, be a non-smoker, and have realistic expectations. Next, it’s important that you have enough excess fat cells on your body for fat grafting and creating your desired shape.

What are the BBL risks I should be aware of?

Every type of surgery, including plastic surgery, comes with risks. Make sure that you know about these beforehand and have time to weigh the pros and cons of this surgery prior to actually booking your operation date.

What type of results can I expect?

Every patient is unique and has a different amount of unwanted fat to start with. Moreover, your natural figure is unique to you — basically a result of your lifestyle (diet and exercise) and genetics. Therefore, based on your specifics, you’ll want to know what type of results you can expect from the surgery.

How much will my BBL cost?

Lastly, BBL cost can only be determined once you’ve actually booked a consultation appointment and the surgeon can examine you physically and discuss your goals with you.

Cost is based on the amount of fat that is removed, the amount of purified fat that is injected, the cost of anesthesia, surgical facility fees, and costs related to things like medications and compression garments.

What should I expect for BBL Post Op Care?

Here is what to expect during BBL post of Care:

  • Drainage: Drainage may occur from the incision sites for the first 24-72 hours and will be blood-tinged. Use gauze or a light pad to reinforce post-op dressings if needed.
  • Discomfort: Pain, stiffness, and soreness can be expected in the buttocks and fat harvest areas during BBL recovery.
  • Bruising: Bruising is normal and can vary based on the extent of liposuction and fat transfer. Bruises typically heal within 2-3 weeks, changing from purplish to yellow/green as they resolve.
  • Results: Only a percentage of transferred fat cells survive and remain permanent. Expect to see more final results after 3-6 months.
  • Swelling: Swelling is expected for weeks to months. It can improve with rest and compression garments, though exercise may temporarily worsen it.
  • Asymmetries: Different areas may heal at different rates, causing uneven bruising, swelling, and discomfort. These asymmetries should even out as the body heals.
  • Itching: Itching at incision sites is normal for a few days. Benadryl can help alleviate this.
  • Sensory Changes in Skin: Numbness or tingling around incision sites and affected areas is normal and should resolve within a few months.
  • Scarring: BBL scars may take up to a year to fully heal. Tape and topical silicone gel can be used for scar management.

Schedule a Consultation for BBL Surgery with Dr. Sieber Today

The Brazilian butt lift procedure has the power to completely alter your entire silhouette, giving you more curves and roundness near your hips and on your buttocks and slimming your waistline for a beautiful hourglass figure.

If you’ve been considering Brazilian butt lift surgery, we invite you to give our office a call and schedule an initial consultation appointment with double board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. David Sieber.

Your San Francisco plastic surgeon will go over your medical history and medical records, assess the amount of excess fat you have, discuss your goals for buttock augmentation, and come up with a personalized treatment plan for your Brazilian butt lift BBL surgery.


  1. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/blog/tips-to-prepare-for-your-plastic-surgery-consultation

What to Expect From a Hair Transplant After 10 Years

Whether you’ve recently undergone a hair transplant in San Francisco and are looking to the future or you’re considering hair restoration and are concerned whether it’s worth it, you may have questions about what a hair transplant after 10 years will look like.

After all, you’re investing in major surgery, and that also comes with some physical risks and a significant price tag. You want to know you’ll be getting a good return.

Up ahead, we’ll explore whether persistent results from hair restoration are possible after ten years. We’ll also talk about other factors that may influence long-term results.

What Happens 10 Years After Hair Transplant Surgery?

To give you an idea of what you can expect from your hair transplant results after ten years, let’s start with this: Today, with recent advancements in hair restoration techniques and technologies, it is possible that in ten years’ time, you may go to the barber or salon with a full head of hair, and your barber or stylist won’t ever know you had hair transplant surgery.

In other words, it is completely possible to maintain your results ten years after hair transplant surgery. Moreover, when compared with those early days right after your surgery, your hair may even look far better in ten years.

One Key Is Choosing the Right Surgeon

choosing a qualified hair transplant surgeon

Of course, not all hair transplant patients are able to achieve such wonderful results as we are outlining here. Patients who had hair transplantation in the 70s and 80s, for example, may not have great looking heads of hair now simply because the technology was not half as good back then.

In particular, at that time, thick chunks of hair called hair plugs were primarily used to restore thinning hair and a receding hair line. With further thinning of the hair due to aging, these plugs became even more over time.

Additionally, even today, there are surgeons who are not particularly skilled at hair restoration. For these unfortunate patients, it’s possible that they won’t have high quality results after ten years.

For the rest of patients who do choose an experienced plastic surgeon, it is highly likely that their hair will look great 10 years after hair transplant surgery.

The Effects of Aging

Despite most patients having a great long-term outcome from hair restoration these days, there are two factors that may contribute to the waning of results over time — even if you pick a top-notch hair restoration surgeon. Both have to do with the natural effects of aging:

Graying Hair

Over time, everyone’s hair will become gray. This isn’t something we can stop, but it may change your hair restoration results as gray hair tends to have a different texture and thickness.

Thinning Hair

Most people’s hair will thin out over time as well. As we make it to our 70s, 80s, and beyond, hair tends to become less lush and dense. This can also cause some of the thinning or balding you perhaps had prior to your surgery to return.

Ensuring Great Long-Term Results After a Hair Transplant

Use the following tips to help ensure a great outcome to your hair transplant surgery and excellent results for many years to come.

Choose a qualified surgeon.

First, select a board certified plastic surgeon with hair transplant experience and a strong approach to surgery.

Understand the limits of your donor area.

You want the area where you’ve lost hair to look natural, but you want the donor area to look natural too. In this case, emphasize to your surgeon that you want to make sure your donor area is not over harvested as this can actually cause hair loss in these areas (typically on the back of your head) as well.

Consider whether FUE or FUT is the best method for you.

To be sure, both methods of hair transplant surgery have their pros and cons. FUE, which stands for follicular unit excision, extracts individual hair follicle units for a more seamless look.

On the other hand FUT, which stands for follicular unit transplantation, uses donor strips. While this means that FUE typically has less noticeable scarring, FUT may be better as it tends to have more consistent results and may require fewer treatments.

Go with a natural hairline.

When talking with your surgeon, stress that you want a natural looking front hair line. While we may think that the hairline above the forehead is a straight line, it really isn’t. Ideally, your surgeon will be keenly aware of this and already have plans to create a natural, normal looking hairline. But if not, be sure to bring up the fact that you certainly do not want a hairline that looks manufactured.

FAQ: Hair Transplant Surgery After 10 Years


When does hair growth start after hair transplants?

New growth from the transplanted hair follicles should start within three to four months. Note that it’s normal for the initial transplanted hair to actually fall out about one month after hair transplant surgery. The hair follicles themselves should remain intact, and this is where the new hair growth will come from.

Will I need a second hair transplant?

Most patients just need one hair transplant procedure to achieve their goals. If you have further hair loss or your male pattern baldness or other form of hair loss is more significant, however, you may need additional future hair transplant procedures as well.

Will I have hair transplant scarring?

Small scars do result from hair transplant surgery, but you should not expect long term visible scarring. As the healing process continues and healthy hair follicles go through the natural hair growth cycle, scars should be covered by your thicker hair and will also fade naturally. Typically, there is less scarring with FUE hair transplant results.

Will my transplanted hair turn grey?

Yes, just like the rest of your hair, hair transplants turn grey with the natural ageing process.

Arrange a Consultation with Dr. Sieber

Board certified plastic surgeon and professional hair transplant surgeon Dr. David Sieber performs hair restoration surgery at his San Francisco practice. To learn more about this procedure and find out if you’re a good candidate, please call today to set up a consultation with Dr. Sieber.



Fat Transfer to Breast Pros and Cons

Considering larger breasts? You have two main cosmetic surgery options when it comes to increasing the size of your breasts: Breast augmentation with breast implants or fat transfer breast augmentation.

Below, we’ll be taking a closer look at the latter by outlining the major fat transfer to breast pros and cons. But first, what is fat transfer to breast surgery?

What Is Fat Transfer to Breast Surgery?

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Before And After Realself

Fat transfer to breast surgery is a cosmetic procedure that takes the patient’s unwanted body fat (from the abdomen, back, flanks, thighs, arms, chin, etc.) and transfers that fat to the breasts. If you look at fat transfer to breast before and after photos, you’ll notice this surgery can reduce unwanted fat elsewhere on the body while modestly increasing the size of the breasts.

Now, let’s go over the pros and cons of fat transfer to breast surgery.

Pros of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

No breast implants required

With a fat transfer procedure, no breast implants are needed to augment your breast size. For many women, this is a great benefit simply because the idea of having foreign objects in their bodies is unappealing.

Likewise, if you don’t have implants, you don’t have to worry about issues such as capsular contracture (hard and painful scar tissue), breast implant illness (BII), or ruptures.

No regular imaging tests required to check on implants

With silicone implants, especially, patients need to be periodically checked for potential breast implant ruptures. This can be annoying to many patients and expensive.

Furthermore, if a rupture is indeed found (whether through an imaging scan or by the naked eye after a rupture of saline implants), breast implant surgery will needed to remove and replace the implant.

Natural looking results

The breast size increase you achieve with a fat transfer to breast will look very natural. This is because we are using your body’s own fat to make the size adjustment.

Reduction of unwanted body fat

For many patients, one of the most exciting benefits of fat transfer breast augmentations is the reduction of fat cells from “trouble areas” like the waist, flanks, and back. We can also take fat from the upper arms, thighs, chin, and elsewhere. This fat grafting element means that breast fat transfer surgery is like a two-for-one procedure.

Minimal scarring

Traditional breast implant surgery does not leave very noticeable scars, but the scars that result from fat transfer breast augmentation are even smaller.

Liposuction leaves the most significant scarring when compared to those left by the fat injections. And even then, these scars are typically just a few millimeters long. Once they heal, they should flatten, blend, and fade with your surrounding skin so that each one usually ends up looking like just a small freckle.

Cons of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Breast volume increases have to be modest

Unfortunately, breast fat transfer procedures can only achieve a breast size increase of up to about one cup size. This varies, of course, but one half to one full cup size is the average breast size increase. If you want breasts that are larger than what a fat transfer can achieve, breast implants are the best option.

Patients must have enough fat to start with

Some patients will not be good candidates for this surgery because they simply don’t have enough unwanted body fat. With that said, not having enough excess body fat for a breast fat transfer is actually rare. It’s more likely that a patient might not have enough excess fat for a more significant fat transfer procedure such as a BBL (Brazilian butt lift).

Not all fat survives the transfer process

Finally, in order for the fat transfer to be successful and for the resulting breast tissue to actually plump up and make the breasts appear larger, the transferred fat must survive. There is really no way of knowing how much fat will make it through this process.

Following your recovery instructions closely, resting, sleeping in the proper position, and keeping pressure off your chest will help to aid fat retention, but in rare cases, not enough fat will survive the transfer to achieve your original goals.

FAQ: Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

How much fat do I need to go up a cup size with fat transfer breast augmentation?

Naturally, you need to have enough excess unwanted body fat in order to qualify for fat transfer breast augmentation. The truth is, however, most patients do qualify because only a small amount of fat needs to be transferred with this procedure.

Can I get a fat transfer breast augmentation with my breast lift?

Definitely! Most plastic surgeons will absolutely perform a fat transfer breast augmentation with lift.

It’s not uncommon for breast lift patients to also want a slight increase in size along with correcting their sagging breasts. This results in larger, perkier, more lifted breasts and the added benefit of fat reduction (liposuction) in the areas where you have unwanted fat deposits.

Set Up a Consultation with Dr. Sieber Today

Considering breast augmentation but not sure whether a fat transfer or implants are best for you? Double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber can help point you in the right direction. At your consultation, Dr. Sieber will meet with you one-on-one to discuss your goals, assess your anatomy, and present you with your best options.

A breast volume increase with a natural look via fat transfer breast augmentation is totally achievable for the majority of patients. Call today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Sieber. We look forward to hearing from you!



Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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