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5 Things to Know About the Mommy Makeover Surgery

If you’ve just had a baby, you might be struggling to come to terms with your current appearance like excess skin and stretch marks, and you may not recognize yourself for the way you were prior to pregnancy upon looking in the mirror.
Perhaps you feel frustrated that your clothes don’t seem to fit right. Or maybe you’re experiencing body aches and sagging in places you hadn’t had to deal with before.

While each body differs in terms of post-pregnancy effects, the emotional strains and longing for that “pre-baby body” are very common feelings among women who have recently given childbirth.

What are your options? Well, a positive outlook and the desire to kick your health and fitness into gear will help you return to pre pregnancy shape—but sometimes a little extra help through surgical enhancements can set you on the right path towards feeling even more fabulous in that post-baby body after all.

What is a Mommy Makeover?

The “mommy makeover” which includes a combination of procedures, typically tummy tuck and breast augmentation surgery such as a breast lift with or without implants or breast reduction surgery, may be incredibly desirable to those whose bodies have been permanently changed by pregnancy and childbirth.

Still, if you are going under the knife, you’ll want to speak to your surgeon first to clear up any mommy makeover questions or concerns you may have in order to be best prepared. Your doctor will debunk any myths, direct you towards which procedures are the most fitting for your body type and needs, and explain what to expect in the first few weeks or months after your procedures as you heal and adjust to your new figure.

Here’s what to know about the surgical “mommy makeover” before booking an appointment. Also, for mommy makeover patients be sure to touch on all these aspects with your surgeon during your consultation, as well.

1. Mommy Makeover After Pregnancy

Mommy Makeover Surgery

Your board certified plastic surgeon will make sure you are done having children and will ask you to wait at least six months after giving birth and make sure you are done breast feeding to undergo such intensive body contouring procedures, so don’t assume your body will snap right back to the way it was before giving birth.

For instance, the skin and muscles in your abdomen have gone through quite a lot to accommodate a growing baby, so the other abdominal muscles and tissue must be given adequate time to recover prior to getting a tummy tuck.

However, during this time you can schedule consultations, do your research, save up money—whatever it may be—to prepare yourself for the upcoming abdomen contouring procedure.


Just as you must wait to get the mommy makeover done, you’ll also need a few weeks or months to fully enjoy the lasting effects of your procedures and to be completely healed. For instance, breast implants take several months to settle into place. They might appear very swollen and a bit high at first (think Dolly Parton style), but as the weeks pass by, they’ll ease right into place and look just as they should.


In order to speed your mommy makeover recovery and keep your procedures safe and beautiful long-term (you don’t want to disrupt progress or break and misshapen something), you must take it easy for the number of weeks required to heal before resuming your normal daily regimen. With a mommy makeover, you’ve likely undergone quite a few intensive surgeries, and they can take a toll on your body for the short-term and need time to let the mommy makeover scars heal.

Your doctor will tell you if you need a few weeks to a few months to heal, depending on the procedures you requested, and it’s critical to follow such guidance and give your body the downtime it needs.

That means, you don’t want to go out for a five-mile run or hit a HIIT class a few days after getting a breast augmentation or tummy tuck. First off—it would be incredibly uncomfortable but also dangerous. Increasing your heart rate after surgery can increase your risk of bleeding, or you may pop some internal stitches.

You shouldn’t sit around in bed all day, and movement is encouraged, but make sure your plastic surgeon approves the activities you’re doing. It’s also important to listen to your body as to not over exert yourself throughout recovery.


While you need to move slower to heal well, you also don’t want to be bed-ridden during your weeks or months of mommy makeover surgery recovery. Choose low-impact activities that are approved by your surgeon for each step of the way.

You might start by walking, and over the next few weeks, you can build up to more moderate exercise, like riding a stationary bike. Each procedure requires a different time frame, which your surgeon will discuss with you, but typically most patients are released to full activity after 6 weeks.


Just because you’ve had a mommy makeover surgery doesn’t mean you should stop eating healthy or to skip exercising. Unhealthy lifestyle behaviors may diminish the wonderful effects of the mommy makeover procedures that you just invested in and spent so much time healing from. And it’s also not great for your health, regardless!

After you’ve healed, maintain a healthy lifestyle moving forward. Focus on eating nutrient-rich foods and try to engage in regular activity, whether it be different exercise classes, cooking more at home with wholesome ingredients, or adding in self-care rituals to keep stress at bay.

All of these factors will keep your body in tip-top-shape post-makeover, and you’ll likely have a better quality of life as well!

Questions and Answers about Mommy Makeover Surgery

What is typically included in a mommy makeover?

A Mommy Makeover includes a variety of options, which can encompass: Tummy Tuck, Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Liposuction, and Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery.

Historically, the classic Mommy Makeover typically includes a Tummy Tuck and Breast Augmentation.

How much weight does a mommy makeover take off?

The weight loss resulting from your chosen mommy makeover procedures may range from 5 to 7 pounds.

How many sizes do you go down after a mommy makeover?

Following a tummy tuck, most women typically reduce their clothing size by one or two sizes, and in some cases, even more.

However, a few patients may not experience a change in size, and exceptionally rarely, some might find themselves wearing a larger size. The majority of women will generally be delighted with the size reduction and their transformed appearance post-abdominoplasty.


What To Expect During Your Mommy Makeover Consultation

What is a mommy makeover surgeryWhen it comes down to the aesthetics in our body, our thoughts are individual. Dr. Sieber is determined to give his patients comfort during consultations. Developing trust and honesty with his patients is a key factor in achieving results which are consistent with patients expectations.

During your consultation, Dr. Sieber will ask you about your cosmetic surgery objectives and conduct an extensive physical examination. You can ask questions like mommy makeover cost and steps involved with mommy makeover.


Why Are Mommy Makeovers in Demand?

Mommy makeovers are becoming increasingly popular because moms want to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin.

Gone are the days of many women feeling like they must simply “give up” and always be slightly ashamed of their bodies just because they are mothers.

Not only are mommy makeovers wonderful for moms who’ve had significantly uncomfortable and painful changes to their bodies due to motherhood (enlarged breasts, excess abdominal skin, damaged stomach muscles, stretched labia), but they’re also body positive.

Improving the way you feel about your body can meaningfully improve and restore your relationship with yourself — improving your confidence and self-esteem and returning to pre pregnancy shape.


Mommy Makeovers after PregnancyBecoming a mom is an amazing experience that cannot truly be understood until it happens to you.

From finding out you’re pregnant and experiencing the glow of maternity, to giving birth and holding your little one in your arms for the very first time — motherhood is miraculous, beautiful, and eye-opening.

It’s also challenging in more ways than one.

For most mothers, the most startling change is what happens to your body. The ability to grow a human being right in your womb is truly remarkable — and certainly a gift — but it’s also understandably disconcerting. You’re used to your body being one way. You’re comfortable with its shape and feel. And then overnight, it begins to change drastically.

Pregnant women and new moms must succumb to a range of bodily shifts that can make them uncomfortable emotionally and sometimes, even physically too. Let’s take a look at some of the changes moms struggle with as a result of pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding:


Often, a woman’s breasts are they first things to change once she’s found out she’s pregnant. They become tender and slightly bigger at first. Throughout the pregnancy, they become larger, and they are at their largest during the postpartum period when they become filled with milk if the mother chooses to breast-feed.

In fact, whether a mom chooses to breast-feed or not, her breasts often fill with milk so that the skin and tissue on the breasts becomes larger and stretched out.

This is the main change that mothers see in their breasts: often, the stretched-out skin and tissue stays stretched out. While their baby will grow out of breast- or bottle-feeding and onto solid foods, and while they may have already stopped producing milk and fat from their breasts has disappeared, their breasts will remain sagging, drooping, and flat.

Naturally, this is uncomfortable for most women. Their breasts no longer look the way they did before breast implants, pre-baby, and the new shape and size of their breasts can even cause back pain.


The abdominal area is naturally the part of a woman’s body most affected by pregnancy. With the growing baby inside, the abdomen must stretch enormously to accommodate both the size and weight of the baby, placenta, uterus, and abdominal fluid.

Additionally, many women tend to exercise less vigorously and sometimes eat slightly more during pregnancy. This can add some additional weight to the prenatal period. While completely natural, that excess weight is hard to lose once the baby arrives. You’re so busy caring for your newborn and recuperating from birth, both physically and mentally, that after recovery time getting right back onto the treadmill and a super-food diet of vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and whole grains is nearly impossible — sometimes for many months and even years.

As this time stretches on, the excess weight that may still be around the abdomen (as well as any other excess fat or loose skin) can cause major discomfort, pain, and annoyance for moms. It can be difficult to find clothes that fit and to feel comfortable running, squatting down, and doing other physical maneuvers that you used to be able to do with ease before becoming pregnant. Any excess abdominal skin can make it especially difficult to exercise. And of course, there’s the emotional discomfort of not feeling like yourself in your own body.

In addition to stretch marks, excess skin and being over weight around the abdomen, often, the muscles become separated during pregnancy — a condition known as diastasis recti. These stretched abdominal muscles often never quite come back together on their own. This can cause discomfort and the common “mommy pooch”.

Basically, the “mommy pooch” is a small, prominent area on the abdomen that, once you’ve had a baby, never really cinches back in so that you have flat abs.


The issues listed above are prevalent among mothers, but there are only a few ways to fix them.

Naturally, we recommend adopting a healthy lifestyle as soon after breast surgery as possible. This includes abiding by a regular exercise regimen and eating a nutritious diet.

At the same time, we know that even these great habits can only go so far. The only true way to actually fix back pain caused by enlarged, sagging breasts, for example, is to get a breast lift or breast reduction. The only way to remove stubborn fat from the abdomen and fix separated abdominal muscles is to get a tummy tuck and possibly liposuction.

And indeed, these are the main three surgical procedures in most mommy makeovers:

Mommy MakeoversYour mommy makeover can look any way you want it to. At your mommy makeover consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber, you’ll discuss your goals for the procedure, highlighting whatever areas of your body you’d like to change.

Dr. Sieber will give you a short physical exam and ask you about your medical history. Then, he will tell you what your best options for mommy makeover and cosmetic procedures are.


Mommy makeovers is one of the best ways to get your confidence back after becoming a mother. It’s best to wait until you’re finished having children (and at least six months after having your last child) to get this procedure.

Ready to get started? It all begins with your initial cosmetic surgery consultation appointment.

To book today, give our San Francisco office a call — we look forward to hearing from you!


Traditional vs. No-Drain Tummy Tuck

When it comes to San Francisco tummy tucks, there are two main types: traditional tummy tucks and no-drain (also known as drainless). While both procedures aim to improve the appearance of the abdominal area, they differ in terms of technique, recovery, and potential risks.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between traditional and no-drain tummy tucks to help you make an informed decision about which procedure is right for you.

Whether you’re considering a tummy tuck for cosmetic reasons or to address functional issues, understanding the pros and cons of each approach can help you achieve the best possible results.


A tummy tuck is a popular procedure that can dramatically recontour your abdominal area. There are many factors that can cause stretched skin and loose tissue in this area including age, pregnancy, and a significant weight loss. The stretched skin you’re left with in these situations can be impossible to remove with diet and exercise alone, so the tummy tuck is often used to achieve a more toned abdomen.

During the tummy tuck, excess skin is removed, and the underlying tissue and muscle is tightened. The belly button is also commonly repositioned during the procedure. A traditional tummy tuck addresses both the upper and lower abdominal area, and can sometimes involve contouring the sides as well.


Surgeons began using drains during the tummy tuck procedure to remove excess fluid that is present where the abdominal tissue was repositioned. This is important in preventing a seroma, or a buildup of fluid beneath the skin. The drain collects and removes the fluid to ensure a successful recovery process. Although important to your recovery, drains can add to your discomfort and create additional hassle during recovery for tummy tuck patients.


No-Drain Tummy TuckMore and more surgeons are ditching the drains during the tummy tuck procedure! However, this requires more attention when closing the incision sites in order to prevent a seroma from developing. During a no drain tummy tuck, a progression tension suture is used to limit the space between tissue after being re positioned.

These sutures are very similar to the tufting on a couch. With this space reduced, the ability for fluid to collect is also reduced, eliminating the need for a drain. Without a drain in place, patients are relieved of the hassle and discomfort of a drain beneath their skin.

Although you might have a smoother recovery process without the drains, there may initially be more swelling which goes down over time.


When it comes to deciding which technique is right for you, Dr. Sieber will be there to help! The decision to with a no drain Tummy Tuck is one made between the patient and their surgeon. Dr. Sieber will discuss your concerns and goals and help you weigh the positives and negatives of each technique to determine which one is right for you.

Questions and Answers

Which is better drain or drainless tummy tuck?

In general, surgeons and patients tend to prefer a drainless tummy tuck because it involves a simpler and more straightforward procedure. However, it should be noted that not all patients are ideal candidates for this type of tummy tuck. For instance, thin patients who have very little fat in their belly may be more prone to experiencing small contour irregularities compared to others.

Can tummy tuck be done without drains?

If you opt for a drain-free tummy tuck, you can avoid the hassle of monitoring fluid output or draining a tube during the recovery period. Typically, patients who undergo a drainless tummy tucks experience a shorter recovery time compared to those who have a traditional tummy tuck, and their scars also tend to heal more seamlessly.

Where does the fluid go with a drainless tummy tuck?

During the tummy tuck procedure, Dr. Sieber attaches the abdominal tissue and muscles using TissuGlu®. This eliminates the pockets where the fluid would normally accumulate, and where drains would typically sit. The fluid has nowhere to go, so the body just reabsorbs it.

Book your No Drain Tummy Tuck Surgery Consultation

Dr. Sieber a board certified plastic surgeon predominantly performs tummy tucks without drains because of the success he has had with this procedure. Not all tummy tucks by plastic surgeons are done drainless.

If you’re interested in the traditional tummy tuck or no-drain tummy tucks procedure, contact our office at 415-915-9000 and schedule your consultation at Sieber Plastic Surgery.

How to find the best plastic surgeon for breast augmentation: 6 THINGS TO LOOK For

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, “Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery procedure to increase breast size and enhance breast shape, typically through the placement of silicone or saline breast implants.”

Are you thinking about getting surgery? When it comes to this specific procedure, you’ll have numerous decisions to make. For example:

  • How to find the best plastic surgeon for breast augmentation in San Francisco?
  • How large would you like your breasts to be post-surgery? What is your ideal bra size?
  • What shape do you want them to be?
  • Do you need a breast lift or breast implants?
  • Are you a mother? Would you consider a full mommy makeover with a breast augmentation included?
  • What type of implants are you hoping for? Do you prefer a specific material?
  • Would you like your own tissue to be used?
  • Do you have a specific celebrity’s silhouette in mind?
  • What are your plastic surgery techniques?
  • What’s the breast augmentation process?

… and these are just a few of the questions you should be asking!


How will you know when you’ve found the right plastic surgeon in San Francisco?

More when anything else, the plastic surgeon you choose will influence the outcome of your procedure and the way your breasts will look long-term. Allowing a medical professional to handle the reconstruction of your breasts is something you do not want to take lightly. You need someone you can trust and someone you feel comfortable with.

Therefore, to help you make the right decision, we’ve outlined the top 6 qualities you should look for in a breast augmentation plastic surgeon.

How to find the best plastic surgeon for breast augmentation? TOP QUALITIES TO LOOK FOR

1. Excellent referrals from past patients

If possible, get referrals for a plastic surgeon you can trust. Ask around to friends, relatives, coworkers, and others you know who have had plastic surgery. Find out where they have gone and what surgeons they’ve enjoyed working with. Depending on what area you live in, you’ll probably end up with several referrals to one doctor, and of course this is a good thing.

This means that the doctor you’re consistently hearing about has a strong record of success and satisfied patients in your local area.

2. A strong portfolio of before and after photos

Questions to ask plastic surgeon before breast augmentation

Before and after photos are a great resource when you’re looking for a breast augmentation plastic surgeon, so make sure you take time to look over the galleries of the potential plastic surgeons you are considering. Most plastic surgeons will have these photographs on their websites.

First, you’ll want to look for a relatively high number of before and after photos. For example, if there are only one or two before and after sets, this may be a red flag that the surgeon doesn’t have a lot of experience (or at least not a lot of experience they can be proud of). You’ll also want to look for breast augmentation Plastic Surgeon results photos specifically.

Moreover, look for the results that you would like to achieve after your own procedure. These photos are representative of what you may actually look like after undergoing surgery with this surgeon. Make sure the results look good to you.

3. Board certification is usually a qualified plastic surgeons

Board certification is absolutely essential when it comes to choosing a plastic surgeon. When a surgeon is board certified, it specifically means that they have been awarded a board certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. This says that they have undergone the full training and studying necessary to carry out your procedure.

A large amount of hours go into achieving board certification, and you need to know that your surgeon has gone through these hours and developed the skill and expertise necessary to be amazing at what they do.

4. Experience in your chosen procedure

It should go without saying that you want your plastic surgeon to have experience with breast augmentation. But specifically, you want to know that they have experience doing the exact procedures that you hope to have done. For example, you might want to ask them the following questions:

– How did you precisely train in breast-related plastic surgeries and for how many years?

– For how many years have you been performing breast augmentation surgeries specifically?

– How many breast augmentation surgeries have you performed before?

Get an idea of where they did their residencies as well. In general, the more experience a plastic surgeon has, the better.

5. A friendly positive attitude

When you walk into your surgeon’s office for your consultation appointment, you want to feel comfortable and at ease. Your surgeon should be friendly and outgoing. They should not be judgmental or difficult to understand when they explain your procedure and what to expect. Your consultation appointment is an important time where you should be able to freely express the goals you have for your procedure.

Your surgeon should be prepared with questions to ask you too, and they should have well thought out answers for all of your questions and concerns. You want to feel positive during your appointment as well as after it.

6. An aesthetic sense that resonates with you

Unlike most other types of surgeries, breast augmentation necessitates an artistic sense. Of course, more than anything, all plastic surgery procedures (including breast augmentation and other breast focused surgeries) require experience, skill, preciseness, and proficiency.

But it’s also important to note that when it comes to augmenting the size, shape, and overall appearance of your breasts, your surgeon needs to have a specific aesthetic sense. Moreover, it’s important that his or her aesthetic sense resonates with you uniquely.

In order to see whether your aesthetic sense matches with your plastic surgeon, you should look at the before and after photos once again. Look for the types of procedures that he or she has performed in the past and whether they appeal to you on a personal level.

While you’ll certainly want to take a look at the breast augmentation procedures specifically, you can also look at other breast procedures and face procedures as well. You want to see consistency and a unique aesthetic approach that you feel comfortable with.

Numerous “results” photos that don’t appeal to you may tell you that your aesthetic sensitivities don’t match up.


How to choose a plastic surgeon for breast augmentationUndoubtedly, your consultation appointment with a breast augmentation surgeon will be the most important element of ultimately choosing a plastic surgeon. Remember that you will probably need to make consultation appointments far in advance before your surgery. You should also consider making more than one consultation appointment.

It’s okay to go and come back to a plastic surgeon to make sure that they understand completely what you are looking for in the results of your procedure.

At your consultation appointment, you should be prepared with any and all questions and concerns that you have about the procedure. Furthermore, be prepared to answer any questions that your plastic surgeon may have for you (and they will likely have some). For example, you want to know exactly what you want your breasts to look like after your surgery.

If you’re still not completely sure, you can at least pick out some pictures of celebrities or others who have a similar build as you and similar breasts as what you are hoping to achieve.

Remember to choose an outfit that is comfortable and one that has an easy to separate top. Even though most of the consultation will be spent talking, your surgeon will most likely want to conduct a short physical exam so that they can see your anatomy and assess what you are looking for in results based on your current physical state.

At the end of your consultation appointment, the surgeon will send generally prepare a fee quote for you.

This will include how much your procedures are going to cost in addition to other details if you ask for them: dates available for your scheduled procedure, how to prepare for the procedure, any necessary medical supplies you will need to purchase, etc.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Are you thinking about breast augmentation surgery? If so, Dr. Sieber the Breast Augmentation Surgeon would love to speak to you about your goals and what to expect.

Dr. Sieber is a double board certified breast plastic surgeon in the San Francisco Bay area. With extensive experience and expertise in the area plastic surgery, Dr. Sieber has helped numerous women achieve the breasts they’ve always desired.

Simply have your ideal physique and contour in mind when you enter Dr. Sieber’s office for your consultation, and he’ll do his absolute best to help you achieve your goals.

Make your breast augmentation consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber in San Francisco today!

Will I Have Tummy Tuck Scars After 5 Years?

Will I Have Tummy Tuck Scars After 5 Years?

Tummy tucks are ideal for any individual with loose bothersome skin around their abdomen. The procedure is highly effective, commonly performed, and can do outstanding things for your figure. Needless to say, it can also boost your confidence by a large margin.

Still, many patients are hesitant about moving forward with abdominoplasty because they are concerned about the potential for visible scars after tummy tuck procedures. They want to know:

  • What do tummy tuck scars look like?
  • Where are they located?
  • When will a tummy tuck scar heal?
  • What about tummy tuck scars after 5 years?

Below, we’ll discuss and answer each of these questions, focusing on what you can expect from your abdominoplasty scars down the line and in the future — as many as five or ten years after surgery.

Scarring After Tummy Tucks

Tummy Tuck Scars

Most Tummy Tuck Scars are an inevitable outcome after any type of surgery that requires incisions. In this way, because abdominoplasty does require incisions, you’re going to have scarring.

Here, however, we like to emphasize the good news. And that is that your scars after tummy tuck surgery won’t be noticeable in most cases.

This is because your surgeon is going to do their best to create your incisions in inconspicuous places. Additionally, some of your incisions will be hidden naturally within your anatomy. For example, a belly button incision can be hidden within the belly button, so that you don’t notice it after it’s healed.

Finally, many treatments now exist to help diminish the appearance of scars during recovery.


The location of tummy tuck incisions varies from patient to patient. That is, some patients will only require two incisions: one around the belly button and one stretched laterally from hip to hip (below the bikini line). And other patients will require additional incisions on top of these. In rare cases, a mini tummy tuck scar only requires a lower lateral tummy tuck incision.


When a large amount of skin and tissue must be removed, a fleur-de-lis tummy tuck may be performed. This variation requires another incision to be may vertically from the lower lateral incision to the belly button.


Alternatively, when excess loose skin must be removed from the sides and back of the abdomen, an extended tummy tuck may be performed. This procedure requires the lateral incision on the lower abdomen to be extended around to the sides and back of the trunk.


Furthermore, if you opt for liposuction on top of your tummy tuck, which is common, this may require additional small incisions, depending on where you’d like fat removed.

What Do Tummy Tuck Scars Look Like Right After Surgery?

Mommy Makeover Tummy Tuck Scars After 5 Years

Naturally, tummy tuck patients will have bandages and dressings over their incision sites directly after surgery. Therefore, you may have little opportunity to examine your Tummy Tuck scar.

At this time, you can expect the area to be swollen, red, and covered with steri-strips. You will be tired and sore from surgery, so it’s important not to strain to examine the area. Allow your surgeon to perform their own followup examinations to ensure the area is healing well.

After approximately ten days to two weeks, your incisions should be healed together, and the scar will appear pink or red and slightly raised. Already by this time, the area should feel and look much better. As your recovery progresses, the scar will flatten and fade in color.


Whether you choose to undergo abdominoplasty as a standalone procedure or as part of a mommy makeover, you’ll naturally want to know what your scar is going to look like in a few years’ time.

Let’s look at five years down the line from surgery.

In five years, you can expect your tummy tuck scar to be at its best (as long as it’s been well taken care of and you are in good physical health). In fact, after one year or at the most, two years, your scar should maximally fade and flatten out.

After ten years, your scars should also look well-faded and flat. Most patients report that their scars become increasingly unobtrusive with each passing year.


Follow these tips to achieve hardly noticeable surgical scars after your tummy tuck.


Your incision site must properly heal in order for it to fade as time goes on. The first few days and weeks of your recovery are crucial.

Be sure to give your body time to heal, and get adequate rest. Do not strain the areas where you’ve had surgery (your entire trunk and upper body). Properly clean and care for your incisions according to your surgeon’s instructions.

Additionally, do not smoke, avoid alcohol and high-sodium foods (to reduce swelling), get plenty of fluids, and eat a healthy diet. When you get the “okay”, start walking and moving to promote circulation.


Your surgeon will provide you with scar therapy options after surgery. Depending on the way you typically develop scars and how your incisions are healing, they may recommend scar creams, silicone patches, or even laser treatments.


Exposure to ultraviolet rays (like those from the sun) can worsen the appearance of scars. In some cases, it can actually create darker scars, especially during the first few months after surgery.

If your treatment area will be exposed to sunlight (at the beach, for example), be sure to use adequate sunscreen and/or cover the area with a UV protective bathing suit or clothing.


Not only can gaining significant weight after abdominoplasty diminish your overall results, but it may also distort the appearance of your tummy tuck scars. For this reason, try to stay within five pounds of your post-surgery weight.


The idea of a lower abdominal scar is concerning for most patients. However, it’s also worth noting that tummy tuck surgery offers immense benefits for patients with sagging skin on their abdomens.

In fact, there is no other solution to sagging, drooping skin on the stomach. Surgery is the only option if you want to permanently get rid of this chronic problem.

It is for this reason that we like to emphasize the fact that patients who undergo abdominoplasty are overwhelmingly satisfied with their results. These patients know going into surgery that scars are going to be part of the equation, and they decide to go through with it anyway. After they’ve healed, they can move easier, it’s more fun to wear the clothes they like, and they feel more confident overall.


Whether you have recently lost a significant amount of weight or you’re done having children and have excess skin from pregnancies, a tummy tuck is the plastic surgery that can help.

To learn more about tummy tuck surgery and scars after abdominoplasty, contact Sieber Plastic Surgery today and schedule a consultation with double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber.






Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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