Hip Dip Surgery: Get a Butt Like Kim Kardashian
Wish you had Kim Kardashian’s sexy hourglass figure? Sieber Plastic Surgery located in San Francisco can help!
You’re not alone. Millions of women would give anything to have the curvy body shape of the famed reality star. It’s a silhouette that looks good in just about anything — from leggings and jeans, to tight dresses and bikinis.
Unfortunately, many women simply don’t have a natural hourglass figure, which essentially refers to a woman who has a small, defined waist and fuller, rounder hips and buttocks. In many cases, it’s not the waist or buttocks areas themselves that are the actually problem, however.
More often than not, it’s a physical feature called “hip dips” that prevent women from fitting into the hourglass figure category. The good news is, a relatively simple hip dips surgery is all you need to fix your hip dip and get those rounded hips that everyone loves.
What is Hip Dip Surgery?
Never heard of a hip dip before? That’s probably because hip dip a relatively new term.
Before we go any further, let’s define hip dip.
Essentially, hip dip refer to the slight indentations that can sometimes be seen right at the top of the hips, on the outsides. Another term for a hip dip is “violin hips,” and the scientific term is trochanteric depressions.
According to personal trainers and fitness gurus, a hip dip cannot be “fixed” by simply working out your glutes and trying to beef up your thighs or buttocks. Fat hip dips are either a hereditary thing that simply can’t be changed, or they may be due to unwanted fat. If the latter is the case, sometimes diet and light cardio exercise can help reduce the appearance of bad hip dips. Still, even if you lose weight in that area, the general shape that you have will usually remain, which means you’ll still have hip dips even after you lose a few pounds.
How Can Hip Dips Be Fixed?
If you have hip dips and you’d like to get rid of them, there’s good news. You can fix your hip dips with hip dips surgery, and the hip dips surgery is simple and straightforward.
In order to fix violin hips, you’ll need to have what’s called fat transfer surgery. Hip dips surgery actually involves two procedures: liposuction and fat grafting or fat injection. Liposuction harvests the fat from another area of your body — usually the abdomen or flanks (“love handles”) — and the fat grafting procedure puts the fat where it will look more attractive.
When fat is being grafted onto the hip and buttocks area, most surgeons refer to the procedure as a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) or a Mini Brazilian Butt Lift (Mini-BBL).
What Happens During a Brazilian Butt Lift?
If you opt for a Brazilian butt lift procedure, your plastic surgeon will remove excess fat from one area of your body and inject it in a fat transfer on or around the buttocks area in order to create an overall more attractive appearance. Some patients who want Brazilian butt lift surgery are looking to have a fuller, rounder buttocks, for example. They may want to improve their buttocks with added volume in order to create more projection toward the back.
This isn’t quite the same goal as a BBL or mini-BBL that’s meant to fix a hip dip. That’s because hip dips are most visible when you look at someone straight on — either from the front or the back. The goal is not for the buttocks to be fuller or protrude more, but rather to have a more smooth-edged and rounded silhouette.
For this reason, a good plastic surgeon will actually inject fat into both the indentations that are visible from the front and those that are visible from the back. This optimizes the patient’s form from every viewpoint.
Of course, if you’re looking to improve multiple features of your hips and buttocks (in addition to hip dips), this is something you can certainly speak with your plastic surgeon about. Some may wonder if a hip augmentation with hip implants is a possibility, but it has been found that a hip augmentation with implants is not natural as a hip augmentation surgery involving fat transfer.
Hip Flip Before and After
Before and After Hip Dips
Does Fat Grafting Really Work for Hip Dips?
Yes, fat grafting via a Brazilian butt lift can work wonders for a hip dip. In recent years, fat transfer with BBL has become one of the most popular and well-received surgeries of its kind. The standard BBL fat transfer or mini-BBL fat transfer can also be combined with additional liposuction to remove even more fat from trouble areas such as the upper thighs, abdomen, flanks, and arms. A full workup of liposuction and fat grafting is often called body contouring, and it can be highly effective at producing the ideal hourglass figure — no matter what body shape you start with.
Keep in mind, however, that whenever fat is being grafted onto a new area of the body, surgeons expect that only about 70% of the fat made during a fat transfer will “survive” in the new location. The rest of the fat transfer will be reabsorbed by the body and will, therefore, not contribute to making the buttocks look fuller and rounder. In some rare cases, even less of the fat will survive. This scenario may necessitate coming back to have an additional fat grafting procedure performed.
What Is Recovery From a Brazilian Butt Lift Like?
A mini Brazilian butt lift is usually all that is needed to correct a hip dip. Mini Brazilian butt lift surgery generally takes between three and four hours, and general anesthesia will be used.
Before planning surgery, patients should expect to take about one week off from school or work. Because the procedure is outpatient, you may go home relatively soon after your procedure is finished. Remember to have a trusted friend or family member available to take you home after surgery.
At home, some bruising, swelling, and pain is to be expected as your body heals. It’s important to closely follow the BBL recovery instructions given to you by Dr. Sieber. His precisely-prescribed treatment plan will help you care for the affected areas and avoid any undue stress that could contribute to less-than-ideal results.
Compression garments should be worn continuously for at least the first two days post-surgery to help with swelling. In most cases, Dr. Sieber will also prescribe lymphatic massage, which can expedite recovery and will also help with swelling.
Questions and Answers
How Did the Kardashians Look Before Surgery?
The appearances of the Kardashians before undergoing cosmetic procedures varied. Like many individuals, they’ve undergone transformations over time.
Are Hip Dips Attractive?
Perceptions vary; some find them attractive, while others feel insecure about indentations. Many seek clinical treatments to reduce their appearance.
Is Kim K BBL Real?
Kim Kardashian denied rumors of butt implants but admitted to injections in a 2016 livestream, clarifying they were for psoriasis symptoms only.
Read to Say Goodbye to Your Hip Dips?
Dr. Sieber is a double board-certified plastic surgeon, specializing in reconstructive and cosmetic surgery of the breast, body, and face. Throughout his extensive experience, Dr. Sieber has performed many successful Brazilian butt lift surgeries, helping patients improve their overall appearance and their self-esteem and confidence as a result.
If you are interested in finally having the hourglass figure you’ve always wanted, a Brazilian butt lift fat transfer to fix a hip dip may be just what you’re looking for. Take the next step toward the body goals of your dreams today by booking a consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber San Francisco Plastic Surgeon!